*This % may represent an aggregate of THC/CBD, THCa/CBDa, THCb/CBDb within the product. Consumers should review the actual product label for exact % of THC/CBD.
Product descriptions
Effects: Relax, Calm, Cerebral. Grand Daddy Purple (GDP) is an indica-sensory dominant strain with hints of lavender, grape, and honey sweetness. Patients report enjoying GDP for calming relief while conveying gentle mental stimulation, excellent for relaxation without overt sedation.
ABX (AbsoluteXtracts) is 100% pure cannabis oil in a vape cartridge. We don't blend our cannabis but instead offer you cartridges in 18 distinctive strains. We use no additives. Our cannabis is naturally grown in Northern California's premium cannabis region, and then cleanly extracted using a proprietary supercritical CO2 method.